Brief: In this six week project, you will work individually to design and develop multiple responses to three typical product design ‘client briefs’.
Second semester of second year was great for providing us with experience using computer-aided software, more specifically 'Fusion 360' and 'Solidwork's'. We were provided with the brief to design three separate non related products. A 'bottle opener', an 'air purifier' and an 'alarm clock'. All the designs had to be modelled then rendered on Solidwork's having been inspired by three separate art movements.
The bottle opener model was playing off the minimalism theme as seen on the second image down, it is a flowing ergonomic product. The contrasting green with the black provides a modern look and aesthetic that would fit in most contemporary households. The rigid mouth of the product gives off a sense of reliability with its rigid front. Sketches of early iterations can be seen in the first image below of the bottle opener before I finally decided on the form that was most suitable.
The air purifier was the second product we were to design. I wanted this product to showcase muted colours so it would act more discrete within the household. Therefore, whites and greens were used to portray the fresh appearance on the outer layer. The geometric form provides a similar aesthetic to that of the bottle opener and found Inspiration from contemporary settings. This can be seen in images 3 and 4.
The final CAD model was an alarm clock inspired by a 'rustic and Art Deco merge'. This sleek wooden product with a grand golden frame helps contrast within a 20's bedroom environment and is sure to be a centre piece on the bedside table. As seen in images 5 and 6.