Design Thinking

The COVID-19 pandemic poses a threat to the everyday life of people worldwide. Travelers are particularly affected, as are people working in tourism. As many countries have reintroduced curfews and travel restrictions to contain the spread of the virus, worldwide travel will continue to be disrupted for several more months.

Dundee has a strong creative ecology and is increasingly being acknowledged as defining the strategy for other global cities in how it harnesses creativity and cultural resources to develop a better, more connected city. With a number of physical transformations underway in the city, including the waterfront redevelopment, the DCA, V&A Museum of Design Dundee, and the UNESCO City of Design accolade. These developments will have the potential to translate into more opportunities for tourism but in light of physical distancing measures, we need to collaborate in new and innovative ways to create safe social spaces.

Working in small inter-disciplinary teams, students explored how they could truly re-think tourism to develop innovative ways that Dundee's creative ecology could re-build and re-emerge from the crisis. There were opportunities throughout the project to share in the collection and presentation of related research and information with other teams.

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